The 43rd edition of the Sanremo Round Table on current issues of IHL focused on the crucial issue of “New dimensions and challenges of urban warfare”. Because of the COVID-19 pandemia the Round Table was organized this year in the form of a series of webinars, covering a one-month period from 9th September to 7th October 2020.
The event was able to reach participants from all over the world providing its audience with a unique opportunity to interact with the distinguished panellists of the five different thematic sessions.
At the end of the series, it was estimated a total of 2868 registration forms received, mainly from IHL practitioners, military officers, government representatives, academics and experts, with a global attendance rate of 51.11%.
From a geographical perspective, 57.36% of the attendees were from Europe, 16.98% from Americas, 14.52% from Asia & the Pacific, 6% from Near & Middle East and 4.91% from Africa.

Should you have missed the live webinar, please visit the Sanremo Round Table webpage here.