4th Online Course on Climate Change and Forced Displacement

6 – 31 October 2025, Online

Live sessions of the Course will be held from 12.00 am to 2.00 pm, Rome time. Please click here to check your time zone. 

© UNHCR/Ying Hu

The Course will lay the fundamentals of the available legal framework and the roles and responsibilities of the international community, states, civil society, and the private sector in addressing climate change and disaster displacement, both internal as well as cross-border.

Participants will be provided with key insights into the latest research and practice on the multidimensional linkages between climate vulnerabilities, conflict, disasters, insecurity, and displacement. A thorough analysis of the existing legal frameworks, guiding principles, and recommendations, including the Nansen Initiative’s Agenda for Protection, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement, and the work of the Platform on Disaster Displacement, will be conducted with a view to facilitating their operationalization at the local, national, and regional levels.

The training will also focus on key skills and best practices related to disaster prevention and management as well as on the integration of climate risks into legislation, protection operations, and durable solutions for the displaced. The delivery methodology of the Course is highly participatory and throughout its sessions, the Department will strive to give a voice to local actors, indigenous people, and grassroots organizations that are at the forefront of climate action.

Overall objectives
  • Mainstream the multidimensional threat to human security represented by climate change into policy-making, advocacy, and operations addressing displacement;
  • Provide participants with in-depth knowledge of the existing legal framework, human rights obligations, and operational tools in place to address climate adaptation and climate change-induced displacement;
  • Foster the development of skills and the exchange of best practices between participants and lecturers in disaster management, future needs mitigation, compensation and reparation, durable solutions, prevention and preparedness mechanisms;
  • Advocate for widespread adoption of the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Charter and broadly support efforts to step up humanitarian responses to climate and environmental crises.
Target audience

The Course is designed for mid and senior government officials involved in the development and implementation of key legislation and formulation of policies for forcibly displaced persons affected by the adverse effects of climate change. In addition, the training also targets local actors, NGOs, and RLOs as well as staff of international organizations and relevant humanitarian actors engaged in protection activities in climate-vulnerable contexts.


The Online Course is structured into three modules, with the objective to provide an in-depth analysis of the subject of the training. Modules are composed by live sessions and self-paced sessions.

  • Live sessions are pre-scheduled and usually last 120 minutes. These are delivered via Zoom for Education;
  • Self-paced sessions are completed at participants’ own pace, and must be undertaken before the beginning of each following class. These usually consist of pre-recorded videos and/or selected reference materials.

The Course strikes a balance between theory and practice and is delivered through a participatory and creative teaching methodology, aimed at facilitating the learning process and implementing the knowledge gained throughout the training. Sessions include lectures, presentations, case studies, group work, audio-visual support, and other activities, which respond to the various learning styles of a diversified audience.

Throughout the training, participants and expert facilitators are able to share best practices and experiences.

Registration form

Registration deadline: 2 Semptember 2025


The Agenda will be available soon

Queries on the course registration and administrative questions should be directed at

4 weeks
Registration fee:
€ 750
End of course:
Official certificate

Participation quota amounts to € 750. It must be remitted before the start of the Course by bank transfer. Visa and/or Mastercard are also accepted on the website of the Institute (click here).

A limited number of scholarships is available for the Online Course and cannot therefore be guaranteed purely by application. Scholarships will depend upon funds available to the Institute thanks to the kind contribution of our donors. To apply for a scholarship, you must detail so in the dedicated field in the Registration Form.

The course will be conducted in English and reasonable language proficiency is required. There will not be simultaneous translation.

The official Certificate will be awarded only to those who attend the Course in full, including participation in live and self-paced sessions, and completion of assignments.