26th Sanremo Round Table on Current Issues of IHL

The 2002 Round Table on current issues of international humanitarian law, held in Sanremo from 5 to 7 September 2002, addressed the issue of “The two Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions: 25 years later”.
It is not easy today to fight for the respect and the implementation of humanitarian law in conflict situations. There are opposing ideas concerning the interpretation of International Humanitarian Law, and there is no respect for fundamental human rights and humanitarian rules in armed conflict situations. Moreover, recent tragic developments relating to the war against terrorism and the consequent difficulty of considering organised terrorist groups as parties will pose new and highly intricate legal and other challenges particularly related to International Humanitarian Law. Therefore, the weakening of the basic international treaties – the four Geneva Conventions with their two Additional Protocols – was discussed during the meeting. The Round Table gathered together a few hundred participants from the different regions of the world including military experts, academics and representatives of governments, international organizations, IHL practitioners and NGOs which spent two to discuss IHL related detention key issues.