40th Sanremo Round Table on Current Issues of IHL

The 2017 Round Table on current issues of international humanitarian law, held in Sanremo from 7 to 9 September 2017, addressed the issue of “The Additional Protocols 40 years later: new conflicts, new actors, new perspectives“.
This event recalled the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions and addressed the central questions of sexual and gender violence in armed conflicts and the integration of a gender perspective into IHL. Fundamental issues such as the principles of distinction and precaution, the definition and the time frame of armed conflicts as well as the threshold of the application of the Additional Protocols were all examined through contributions made by renowned international experts and practitioners in the field of IHL. The Round Table gathered together around 200 participants from the different regions of the world including military experts, academics and representatives of governments, international organizations, IHL practitioners and NGOs, to discuss IHL related detention key issues.