47th Sanremo Round Table on Current Issues of IHL
The 47th edition of the annual Sanremo Round Table on current issues of IHL was held in Sanremo and online from 12 to 13 September 2024. The flagship event of the Institute, jointly organized with the International Committee of the Red Cross, addressed the issue of “From the Battle of Solferino of 1859 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949: Challenges and Future Prospects of International Humanitarian Law”.
The Round Table, with the participation of high-level international experts and practitioners, delved into the historical continuum from the Battle of Solferino to the codification of GCs in 1949, exploring the transformative journey of IHL between these key occurrences, fostering a deeper understanding of the development of IHL over time, and acknowledging the importance of humanitarian principles to shape the landscape of modern conflict resolution and strengthen the protection of vulnerable populations.