Sanremo Round Table
48th Sanremo Round Table on Current Issues of IHL
The 48th Sanremo Round Table on Current Issues of IHL, traditionally organised in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross,
was focused on
"From Peace to War and Back: Putting IHL at the Center"
This year, the flagship event of the Institute will be held at Villa Ormond, Sanremo (Italy), on 10-12 September in a hybrid format, with live broadcasting online.
This edition of the Round Table, as usual featuring high-level international experts and practitioners from all over the world, will specifically examine the importance of compliance with International Humanitarian Law throughout the various phases of an armed conflict, namely before its outbreak, during hostilities, within negotiations, and during the consolidation of peace. The conference will explore, among other aspects, the preventative and de-escalatory potential of humanitarian rules, the crucial role of IHL compliance in conflict resolution and ceasefire negotiations, and the post-conflict impact on societies of adhering to the obligations established by customary and treaty-based IHL provisions.
General information
In this section you can access all the most relevant and updated information concerning the detailed programme of the event, the registration process for both on-site and online attendance, the format of the initiative, and its logistics.