From 19 July until 4 August 2022 the Military Department delivered an
online course on International Humanitarian Law in collaboration with the
Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Ukrainian Catholic University of Lviv.
During those six sessions, the 19 participants immerged into the most relevant topics such as
distinction, the position of religious and medical personnel, cultural property, prisoners of war and others deprived of liberty, occupation and finally,
internally displaced people.
The aim of this short, but intense training was to provide the participants with a better understanding of the rules and governing principles of the Law of Armed Conflict. Participants benefitted from the remarkable experience of the lecturers:
Col. Mark Dakers, Director of the Military Department;
Brig. Gen. (retd.) Dr. Karl Edlinger, Austrian Armed Forces;
Mr Dmytro Koval, Truth Hounds Organisation;
Mr Yannick Creoff, Senior Coordinator at the Department of International Refugee Law and Migration Law.
Both the Military Department and the Ukrainian Catholic University would like to thank the
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the
Association for the Promotion of International Development and Stability for their
financial support.
Click here to download the 2022 Calendar of Courses of the Military Department