9th Course on Teaching Refugee Law for Academics and Trainers

16 September – 31 October 2024, Online

Live sessions of the Course will be held from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm, Rome time.  Please, click here to check your time zone.

The Online Course on Teaching Refugee Law focuses on supporting the process of designing and strengthening training programmes, tailored sessions and academic curricula on international refugee law and forced displacement.

The Course presents the latest design and delivery methodologies, presentation techniques, and learning tools used to make teaching on refugee law topics more effective. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from their peers and work with other academics and trainers worldwide in practical exercises and simulations. This Course is part of the pledges made by the Department at the Global Refugee Forum to support the capacities of governments, academic institutions, civil society, and international organizations in promoting international refugee law and implementing the Global Compact on Refugees.

This Course is part of the pledges made by the Department at the Global Refugee Forum in 2019, to support the capacities of governments, academic institutions, civil society and international organizations in the promotion of international refugee law and the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees.

Important Notice: The Online Course does not focus on the content of International Refugee Law itself, but on the best methods and means used to teach and promote its principles and content. Therefore, applicants must have knowledge on International Law.

Overall objectives
  • Enhance the skills of trainers and academics based on the latest learning methodologies and tools, focusing particularly on the design and delivery of online and face-to-face trainings;
  • Empower national governmental training officials and academics to:
    – Raise awareness on and advocate for the protection of refugees and other forcibly displaced;
    – Enhance and develop sound and up-to-date training programmes, in methodology and structure;
    – Ensure that their training programmes incorporate content conforming with the Global Compact on Refugees;
  • Allow participants to directly apply and practice the design and delivery methodologies and presentation techniques;
  • Create an environment of exchange of best practices and experiences among participants, practitioners and learning experts;
  • Identify areas of cooperation between institutions represented at the Course.
Target audience
  • Training officers from State training centers and academies involved in capacity building of government officials and other civil servants;
  • University professors and other academic staff involved in teaching refugee law or other related areas of law, or managing legal clinics at the undergraduate or postgraduate level;
  • Trainers from international organizations engaged in internal training programmes and capacity building of governmental, academic and civil society partners.
  • Participants are expected to have previous knowledge of International Refugee Law and other related bodies of law. Based on the experience the participants bring, the Course will create an environment of exchanging best practices to identify the best ways to teach and promote International Law.

The Online Course strikes a balance between theory and practice and is delivered through a participatory and creative teaching methodology, aimed at facilitating the learning process and implementing the knowledge gained throughout the training. Sessions include lectures, presentations, case studies, group work, audio-visual support, simulations, role plays and other activities, which respond to the various learning styles of a diversified audience.

Following a step-by-step approach, in parallel with the individual sessions of the Course Agenda, participants will be invited to develop their own training programme/session or academic curriculum on international refugee protection using the methodologies taught in the Online Course, as a concrete outcome that can be used in their work.

The Online Course is structured into four weekly modules, each consisting of two to three sessions in the duration of 120 minutes, delivered over Zoom for Education. In addition, the Course contains asynchronous (self-paced) sessions in the form of pre-recorded videos and reading materials, available in the Institute’s custom Online Learning Platform.

The Online Learning Platform is the virtual home of the Online Course, offering the possibility for participants to provide feedback and ask questions, submit assignments, and consult reference materials.

Registration form

Registration deadline: 19 August 2024


Queries on the course registration and administrative questions should be directed at admission.unit@iihl.org.

7 weeks
Registration fee:
€ 750
End of course:
Official certificate

Participation quota amounts to € 750. It must be remitted before the start of the Course by bank transfer. Visa and/or Mastercard are also accepted on the website of the Institute (click here).

A limited number of scholarships is available for the Online Course and cannot therefore be guaranteed purely by application. Scholarships will depend upon funds available to the Institute thanks to the kind contribution of our donors. To apply for a scholarship, you must detail so in the dedicated field in the Registration Form.

The course will be conducted in English and reasonable language proficiency is required. There will not be simultaneous translation.

The official Certificate will be awarded only to those who attend the Course in full, including participation in live and self-paced sessions, and completion of assignments.