27th Sanremo Round Table on Current Issues of IHL

The 2003 Round Table on current issues of international humanitarian law, held in Sanremo from 4 to 6 September 2003, addressed the issue of “International humanitarian law and other legal regimes: interplay in situations of violence”.
Despite the undoubted progress achieved in enlarging the scope and content of legal norms on the protection of persons, the question remains of the exact interplay between the different bodies of law in situations of violence. Are the different legal regimes, as some continue to believe, mutually exclusive, or are they, as others think, one and the same normative framework aimed at protecting human beings? Or, are they, as we believe, distinct but complementary? That is the overriding issue that this Round Table attempted to address. The Round Table gathered together a few hundred participants from the different regions of the world including military experts, academics and representatives of governments, international organizations, IHL practitioners and NGOs which spent two to discuss IHL related detention key issues.