The Sanremo Institute

The International Institute of Humanitarian Law is an independent, “non-profit, humanitarian association having social values as its objectives”.
The Institute was founded in 1970 in Sanremo, Italy, to promote international humanitarian law and its related subjects.
From the headquarters in Villa Ormond, the Institute takes initiatives and carries out activities of a practical and multidisciplinary character, in particular by organising training programmes and advanced studies in the fields of international humanitarian law, international human rights law, refugee law, migration law and many related issues, as well as by promoting dialogue with a view to fostering better respect and implementation of international law by organising international conferences, meetings and seminars of scholars and practitioners.
Internationally, the Institute is reputed as a centre of excellence in the field of training, research, and the dissemination of all aspects of international humanitarian law and related fields.
In pursuing its mission, the Institute remains open to develop new partnerships with any association or organisation that shares its core values of full independence and neutrality, in the crucial effort to promote international rules protecting the most vulnerable categories of people affected by armed conflicts and humanitarian crises.
The Institute has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is member of the NATO Partnership Training and Education Centres.
During more than 50 years of activities the Institute has concluded several cooperation agreements with key international institutions, either for specific projects or long-terms collaborations, with Governments, international organisations, military institutions, research centers, think tanks and universities from different regions of the world.

(Centro Alti Studi Difesa)
Rome, Italy

(Centre of Excellence for Stability Police Units)
Vicenza, Italy

Rome, Italy

(Croce Rossa Italiana)
Rome, Italy

(Ecole des Commissaires des Armées)
Salon de Provence, France

EQUION Energia Limited
Bogotá, Colombia

(Geneva Centre for Security Policy)
Geneva, Switzerland

(Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Rome, Italy

(International Committee of the Red Cross)
Geneva, Switzerland

(Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos)
San José de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

(Istituto Italo-Latino Americano)
Rome, Italy

Institute for Geostrategic Research and Foreign Policy Planning
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

(International Organization for Migration)
Geneva, Switzerland

NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy
Varese, Italy

NATO School in Oberammergau
Oberammergau, Germany

(Naif Arab University for Security Sciences)
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Observatory on European Migration Law
Pisa, Italy

(Post Conflict Operations Study Centre)
Turin, Italy

Dirección nacional de Escuelas
Bogotá, Colombia

(Peace Support Operations Training Centre BiH)
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Qatar Red Crescent Society
Doha, Qatar

Paris, France

(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
Geneva, Switzerland

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Medellin, Colombia

University of Roma Tre
Faculty of Law
Rome, Italy

University of Zagreb
Faculty of Law
Zagreb, Croatia

U.S. Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, USA

U.S. Army Office of the Judge Advocate General
Charlottesville, USA

U.S. Naval War College
Newport, USA

Venice International University
Venice, Italy
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