Registration for the first edition of the
Post-graduate Master Course in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response, organized by the
SUISS (Interdepartmental University School for Strategic Sciences) in collaboration with the
Training Command and Application School of the Italian Army, the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, the
UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Territory Management and the
Conservation and Restoration Center La Venaria Reale are open.
The importance and the role of culture in crisis and post crisis scenarios has relevantly raised in recent years, due to the emerging of new forms of conflicts and to the intensification of natural and anthropic disasters. This increased attention turned into international campaigns and into a global response promoted by UNESCO and national governments towards heritage protection, communities identity and cultural expressions safeguarding, as well as the control of illicit traffics and activities.
Master in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response is specifically designed for a mixed target of civilians, military personnel, international organizations and NGOs representatives, and all who is involved operators who play a role in situations of armed conflicts or disasters scenarios, as well as those operating in the post-conflict or post-disaster recovery processes.
This programme aims at preparing future generations of professionals with multidisciplinary background and advanced expertise in the specific field of the protection of cultural property in crisis situations. More in general, the main objective is the enhancement of the role of culture in the field of social reconciliation and economic recovery of affected areas.
- Who can attend?
A Bachelor level degree and fluency in spoken and written English are required. A maximum number of 40 participants is foreseen. The master will be activated on condition that at least 15 participants have registered.
- Application deadline
17th of October 2018, 15.00 CET. The application is NOT binding, but it is necessary to be admitted to the selection. Applicants requiring for scholarships are kindly requested to submit in advance their application (see the instruction on the website).
- Tuition fee
The tuition fee is of 8.000,00 Euro. The payment of the tuition fee will be spitted in four installments.
A number of scholarships will be available. Criteria for awarding scholarships include economic condition, professional profile, capacity to implement the acquired knowledge and relevance of the participant for the course. Preference will be given to applicants for scholarships from low income countries. See the website for scholarships deadlines and further information.
- Period and venue
November 2018 – September 2019. The preliminary distance learning phase will take place from November 2018 to February 2019. The course attendance on campus is mandatory and implies full time engagement from Monday to Thursday (9.30-16.00 CET) in the period February 2019-May 2019. On Friday different activities are organized, including key note lectures and practical exercises, tests assessment. Lectures during the on site phases will be held at the Training Command and Application School of the Italian Army at Palazzo dell’Arsenale, Via Arsenale 22, Turin (Italy).
- Scientific Committee
It is is composed by eminent scholars and renowned professionals at the international level. The director of the Master is Prof. Edoardo Greppi, University of Turin.
For more info: