The Institute and the International Committee of the Red Cross are pleased to invite you to register for the 44th Sanremo Round Table webinar series on “Pandemics, armed conflict, and international humanitarian law“.
Monday, 6th September
15:00 CEST
Opening session
Wednesday, 8th September
15.00 CEST
Session 2
The provision of medical care in times of armed conflict
Monday, 13th September
15.00 CEST
Session 3
The role and challenges of humanitarian actors in providing aid and assistance to populations affected by armed conflict and pandemics
Wednesday, 15th October
15.00 CEST
Session 4
The protection of persons living in areas beyond State control and the role of non-State armed groups in addressing the pandemic
With the support of

Should you need more information with regard to the agenda, speakers, etc. please visit the Sanremo Round Table webpage or contact us at (cc:,