The Institute invited to participate in the UN Global Compact’s 20th anniversary Leaders Summit online

The Institute invited to participate in the UN Global Compact’s 20th anniversary Leaders Summit online

The International Institute of Humanitarian Law was honoured to take part in the UN Global Compact’s 20th anniversary Leaders Summit, virtually held on 16 June.

Under the theme of “Recover Better, Recover Stronger, Recover Together,” the event marked the 20th anniversary of the UN Global Compact, providing a platform of platforms where leaders from business, civil society, Governments, and the UN were challenged to reflect on the importance of collaboration and public-private partnerships and increase their ambition to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Over 26 hours of continuous virtual programming, the Summit was the UN’s largest, most inclusive, and most sustainable convening of purpose-driven business leaders committed to tackling societal challenges and advancing the SDGs. More than 20,000 business and sustainability leaders from over 180 countries participated in their local time zones and languages.

The Institute was represented by the Director of the Department of International Refugee Law and Migration Law, Mr. Claudio Delfabro.

At the event, the UN Global Compact released the  UN Global Compact 20th-Anniversary Progress Report: Uniting Business in the Decade of Action — an analysis that progress businesses have made in embedding the Ten Principles in their strategies and operations to align with the universal values of the UN, and in contributing to the 17 SDGs. Together with Russell Reynolds Associates, the UN Global Compact also launched Leadership for the Decade of Action and released Introducing Business Benchmarks for the Decade of Action, featuring an initial set of best practices of business benchmarks.

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