Publication of the Proceedings of the 2021 Sanremo Round Table

Publication of the Proceedings of the 2021 Sanremo Round Table

The Institute is glad to announce the publication of the Proceedings of the 2021 Sanremo Round Table on current issues of IHL focused on “Pandemics, armed conflict, and international humanitarian law“.

The 44th Round Table on current issues of international humanitarian law, jointly organised by the Institute and the International Committee of the Red Cross, was held from 6th to 15th September 2021 in form of a series of webinars.

The event gathered high-level international experts and practitioners who investigated the most topical issues related to the implementation of IHL rules in conflict-affected areas in times of pandemics, with particular attention to the legal and operational challenges arising from such a critical combination of humanitarian crises.

The specialised debate not only focused on the role of humanitarian actors in providing assistance to the civil population affected by the double threat pandemic-armed conflict or with the protection of civilians living in areas controlled by Non-State Armed Groups during the pandemic, but additionally analysed the diversified role played by armed forces in response to the Covid-19 emergency in many countries of the world.

Download the proceedings

For more information about the proceedings of the Sanremo Round Table, please visit the dedicated web page here.

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