Meeting of the Council of the Institute

Meeting of the Council of the Institute

Due to the emergency related to the spreading of the COVID-19, the Council of the Institute was convened in telematic mode on Friday 27 March 2020, with an agenda limited to several items for which the approval was possible without discussion.

Ms Claire Legras, Director for Legal Affairs at the General Secretariat of the French Ministry of Defence, was appointed Vice-Presidents of the Institute and Ms Shoko Shimozawa, Head of the Global Service Centre and Global Learning and Development Centre of UNHCR was co-opted as Council member.

Furthermore, the Council approved the admission of Col. (retd) Faouzi Aloui (Tunisia); Maj. Gen. Salvatore Cuoci (Italy); Mr. Antonello De Oto (Italy); Col. Gianluca Feroce (Italy); Prof. John R.C. Hursh (USA) and Lt. Col. Justin Marchesi (USA) as full members and of Mr. Muteab Alotabi (Saudi Arabia) as associate member.

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