Naval Operations and the Law Course

7-11 October 2024, Sanremo (Italy)

The International Institute of Humanitarian Law has a strong association with maritime law having sponsored, promoted the publication of the Sanremo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea. This text is globally recognised as a key reference book for naval practioners and others.

Overall objectives

The course will seek to examine and understand the legal regime affecting the planning and conduct of Naval Operations across the entire spectrum of conflict providing participants with an opportunity to assess whether legal and operational gaps in the law exist and, if so, what steps could be taken to remedy the situation.


During the course, participants will examine the following key areas:

  • Law of the Sea principles relevant to naval operations
  • International law and the use of force
  • Rules of Engagement in the maritime context
  • Maritime claims and disputes
  • Maritime Law Enforcement
  • Anti-Piracy operations
  • Drug Enforcement operations
  • Terrorism and counter-proliferation issues
  • Naval Warfare
  • Peace operations in the maritime domain
Registration form

Registration deadline:


Queries on the course registration and administrative questions should be directed to Ms Patrizia Di Pietro at patrizia@iihl.org.

1 week
Registration fee:
€ 1.100
End of course:
Official certificate

Participation quota amounts to € 1.100. It must be remitted before the start of the course by bank transfer or, at the latest, upon arrival in cash or Euro currency cheque. Visa and/or Mastercard are also accepted either on the website (click here) or at the Institute.

The course will be conducted in English. There will not be simultaneous translation.

The Official Certificate will be released to participants who attend the course in full after the final session and completion of the course evaluation.