The Course presents the key aspects of the migration phenomenon from different angles, including the obligations and concerns of States and the rights and responsibilities of migrants. The workshop includes an analysis of the international legal instruments that relate to migration, as well as the legal framework concerning other categories of persons in need of international protection, such as refugees, victims of trafficking and smuggled persons. The audience has the opportunity to analyse the complex nature of today’s migratory phenomenon, including trends, causes, journeys and associated risks, integration in the country of destination and return and reintegration in the country of origin. The Course studies the key components of migration management and governance, and the link with sustainable development. For this, participants will be exposed to the current developments generated by the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. The Course will also incorporate the sharing of experiences from participants, which includes governments.
The Course is developed primarily to benefit mid- and senior-level government officials involved in the formulation and application of legislation and policies affecting migrant persons. Members of the civil society and the academia, who could positively influence the safeguard of migrants’ rights and advocate for their protection, are also welcomed as participants.
The Online Course is structured in four weeks, with the objective of providing an in-depth analysis of the subject of the training, including cross-cutting issues.
Weeks are composed of two to three live and self-paced sessions:
The Course strikes a balance between theory and practice and is delivered through a participatory and creative teaching methodology, aimed at facilitating the learning process and implementing the knowledge gained throughout the training. Sessions include lectures, presentations, case studies, group work, audio-visual support, and other activities, which respond to the various learning styles of a diversified audience.
Throughout the training, participants and expert facilitators are able to share best practices and experiences regarding the main topics and issues of the Course.
The Sessions will be delivered by experts working in the field of migration or members of academia from around the world.