9th International Disaster Law Course

18-27 November 2024, Hybrid (Online and Sanremo, Italy)

Disasters are among the largest threats to human security and development the world is facing today. Is international law stepping up? Are humanitarian actors, international/national institutions and scholars ready to face legal and institutional challenges raised by disasters caused by natural hazards or human activities? This hybrid specialised course will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the existing international provisions and key regulatory issues related to the prevention and management of disasters, including through a residential workshop focusing on the challenges they pose and how they are addressed in the European context.

Structure & Methodology

Through a mixture of online and on-site lectures, practical exercises, self-assessment tools and interactive group works, the course, organised by the Special Projects Department of the Sanremo Institute in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Disaster Law and the Italian Red Cross, will provide a dynamic and tailored learning environment to all participants.

The course offers 2 different attendance options (please refer to the following paragraphs to better understand the differences in terms of content and learning experience. Please also consider that different registration fees are applicable according to the preferred option):

  • Online format: 5-day online training only
  • Hybrid format: 5-day online training + 3-day residential specialised workshop on EU Disaster Law

The online training section of the course will address a wide range of topics including basics of international and regional disaster law, the interplay between Disaster Law, Human Rights and IHL, the overall legal framework of Disaster Risk Prevention, and an introduction to Disaster Response and Management.

The on-site section of the course will then focus on the regional dimension of Disaster Law in Europe, addressing issues of utmost importance such as the interplay between IDL and EU Law; EU policies & standards in Disaster Risk Reduction, Prevention and Preparedness; Disaster Response and Management strategies and practices at the EU level; and the EU external action in the Disasters domain, with specific reference to humanitarian aid and collaborations between the EU and other regional and international entities.

Learning objectives

Throughout the preliminary online part of the course, participants will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the international legal framework and specifically to legal instruments applicable to disaster governance activities, recognizing its significance in preventing, managing, and responding to humanitarian emergencies;
  • Enhance their awareness of the interaction between Disaster Law and Human Rights Law, Refugee Law, International Humanitarian Law;
  • Obtain a comprehensive overview of the rules, general principles, and strategies in Disaster Risk Prevention, Response, and Management, also in light of their interaction with Climate Change Adaptation frameworks;
  • Better understand the role of the different actors and organisations involved in disaster governance and relief operations, as well as their interplay in crisis areas, with particular reference to civil-military cooperation and the role of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and other relevant institutions;
  • Develop a clear understanding of the coordination challenges in humanitarian response and the importance of the cluster approach against specific types of disasters.

The residential part of the course (specialised workshop) will then delve into the European regional dimension of the subject, with the following learning objectives:

  • Learn how disasters are addressed at the European level, focusing on the complementarity of international and EU provisions;
  • Expand participants’ knowledge of the main EU internal strategies, policies, and standards in Disaster Risk Reduction, Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Management;
  • Develop a deep understanding of how the EU operates internationally, particularly in humanitarian cooperation and aid;
  • Practice implementing international and EU rules and principles through real-life scenarios and case studies to be addressed both individually and in working groups;
  • Train in an international, neutral environment that promotes cooperation and the exchange of experiences among professionals from various institutions, backgrounds, sectors (public and private), and countries.

Speakers will include the three co-directors of the Course: Giulio Bartolini (Professor of International Law at Roma Tre University and Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law), Isabelle Granger (Global Lead, Disaster Law and Auxiliary Role, IFRC), and Grega Grobovsek (Legal and Policy Officer at European Commission, DG-ECHO), as well as high-level distinguished experts including Gian Luca Burci (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Former Legal Counsel, WHO), Walter Kälin (Former Representative of the UN Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons) and Marina Skuric-Prodanovic (Chief, System-wide Approaches and Practices Section, UN OCHA).

Target audience

The target audience includes governmental and military personnel, international and regional organisations staff, personnel from different NGOs, Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, academics, civil protection officers, international lawyers, legal advisors, graduate and post-graduate students with interest in humanitarian assistance and disaster management issues.

In collaboration with
FULL (Hybrid) Registration form ONLINE ONLY Registration form

Registration deadline: 6 November 2024


Queries on the course registration and administrative questions should be directed to Ms Eleonora Tranquillo at

The Registration Fee for the full hybrid course, including both the online and on-site learning sections, amounts to €1.100,00. It must be paid within 30 days from the notification of selection by bank transfer. Visa and/or Mastercard are also accepted on the website of the Institute (click here). The fee includes full access to the elearning platform of IIHL, 5 days of online course, collective transfer from/to the Nice (France) airport (the closest to the IIHL headquarters), 3 days of on-site course in Sanremo (Italy), course materials, lunches and coffee breaks during the on-site section of the training, reception drink, farewell dinner, and course certificate. The registration fee for the sole online section of the course amounts to €500,00. It must be paid within 30 days from the notification of selection. The fee includes full access to the elearning platform of IIHL and 5 days of online course and all the materials related to the online sessions of the training.

The course will be conducted in English and reasonable language proficiency is required. There will not be simultaneous translation.

The official Certificate will be released to participants who attend the course in full (including live and self-paced sessions).