Course on Protection of Civilians (POC)

2 – 6  June 2025, Sanremo (Italy)

Overall objectives

The aim of this course is to address and explore the vital topic of the Protection of Civilians (POC) and to place the POC in its context and importance for contemporary military operations.

Target audience

The course is designed for the following personnel:

  • Civilian, military and police personnel who are deployed on missions with POC mandates.
  • Policy makers who work in defence, foreign affairs, interior, or law enforcement.

  • Personnel working in IOs, NGOs, etc. and/or missions of the UN and any of the regional organisations.

  •  Our Academic partners.


The overarching teaching objectives of the course are to:

  • Equip participants with an understanding of the legal, ethical, and operational frameworks for POC, to include IHL and Human Rights.
  • Explore the challenges of contemporary conflict and evolving threats to civilians, including technology, i.e. cyber risks, AI, UAV, and the interplay of military and civilian actors.
  • Explore how the challenge of contemporary conflict complicates the protection of civilians.
  • Foster a culture of awareness of the nature and complexity of the need to protect civilians.
  • Promote practical application through scenario-based learning and interactive discussions and exercises.

The teaching methodology used for this course comprises a combination of presentations, case studies, panel discussions and syndicate work. Attendees will participate in group case study exercises addressing current POC-related issues. Exercises are facilitated by teaching staff utilising examples of POC situations experienced by deployed military, police and civilian officials. The focus throughout the course is an experienced based methodology which practically addresses the applicable POC topics.


Registration deadline: 19 May 2025


For any additional information, please contact the Military Department at  military.department@iihl.org.

1 week
Registration fee:
€ 1.100
End of course:
Official certificate

Participation quota amounts to €1.100. It must be remitted before the start of the course by bank transfer or, at the latest, upon arrival in cash or Euro currency cheque. Visa and/or Mastercard are also accepted either on the website (click here) or at the Institute.

The course will be conducted in English and reasonable language proficiency is required. There will not be simultaneous translation.

The Official Certificate will be released to participants who attend the course in full after the final session and completion of the course evaluation.