Renewed the cooperation agreement between the Institute and the Principality of Monaco

Renewed the cooperation agreement between the Institute and the Principality of Monaco

Agreement IIHL - Monaco MoFA 1
Agreement IIHL - Monaco MoFA 2

Last Wednesday, 27th October, the President of the Institute, Prof. Edoardo Greppi, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Principality of Monaco, Mr Laurent Anselmi, to sign the agreement of cooperation between the two institutions. 

Such agreement confirms the Principality’s commitment to contribute to the training and dissemination activities on international humanitarian law implemented by the Institute.

The partnership has been renewed for the biennium 2021-2022 and falls within the scope of a wider strategy carried out by the Monaco government for the promotion of human rights and IHL. Furthermore, it consolidates a key and longlasting relationship of the Institute with Monaco, involving not only the government institutions of the Principality but also important stakeholders such as the Croix-Rouge Monégasque.

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