Round Table on IHL

37th Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
4-6 September 2014
Edition: 37th

36th Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
5-7 September 2013
Edition: 36th

35th Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
6-8 September 2012
Edition: 35th

34th Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
8 to 10 September 2011
Edition: 34th

33rd Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
9-11 September 2010
Edition: 33rd
32nd Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
11 to 13 September 2009
Edition: 32nd

31st Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
4 to 6 September 2008
Edition: st

30th Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
6 to 8 September 2007
Edition: th

29th Round Table on current problems in international humanitarian law.
7-9 September 2006
Edition: 29th

International Conference.
8-10 September 2005