23rd Sanremo Round Table on Current Issues of IHL
The 1998 Round Table on current issues of international humanitarian law, held in Sanremo from 2 to 4 September 1998, addressed the issue of “The International Criminal Court: evaluation and progress of the un diplomatic conference“
The competence of the International Criminal Court, embracing genocide, war crimes, protection of human life and liberties, its composition and financing, the connection between its own competence and national sovereignty as well as many other items, were the object of a very careful discussion during the meeting. This Round Table, therefore, aimed at contributing to the strengthening of an independent, functional, effective and credible Permanent International Criminal Court. The Round Table gathered together a few hundred participants from the different regions of the world including military experts, academics and representatives of governments, international organizations, IHL practitioners and NGOs which spent two to discuss IHL related detention key issues.