On 31st May 2021, the “Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory” (EIP Lab) was formally established on the initiative of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law and the Municipality of Sanremo. In representation of the two founding institutions, the President of the Institute, Prof. Edoardo Greppi, and the Mayor of Sanremo, Mr. Alberto Biancheri, signed the constitutive act which legally constituted the Laboratory.
The “EIP Lab” is an international association which will be active in the field of peace, citizenship, and civic education through the organisation of research, analysis, and training activities aimed at students, teachers and practitioners, with the main objective of providing support for culture and education policies at different institutional levels.
The Lab is the spin-off of the recently concluded EU-funded project UPPER (systemic UPscaling of Peace Education pRactices), which had the Institute among the main partners and involved the Municipality of Sanremo in several events. The project aimed to bring the values of peace, intercultural dialogue, and civic participation at the centre of European education policies and school practices, as well as to create a permanent training and research hub in Sanremo.
The primary focus of the Lab is the development of methodologies and resources for the evaluation and application of education/training techniques and learning outcomes. Particular attention will also be given to the desing and implementation of European projects, the development of public policies and the collection and analysis of innovative practices in the field of education.

For more information on the current and future activities promoted and implemented by the EIP Laboratory, please visit its official website here.