The Institute is very pleased to announce that the Handbook on “Integrating Gender Perspectives into International Operations” is now available for consultation and download.
With this publication, the Sanremo Institute wants to give its contribution to the promotion of gender perspectives with specific regard to the protection of groups of individuals in conflict areas.
The Handbook – prepared by international civil and military experts convened in Sanremo by the Institute – provides a practical framework for gender mainstreaming in the training of the military, police officers and civilians who are involved in conflict scenarios. The Handbook is now available in English, translated versions in Arabic, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish will follow soon.
The Handbook is the result of a a project on “Enhancing Training on Women, Peace and Security” within the framework of Italy’s Third National Action Plan 2016-2019 in accordance with UNSCR 1325/2000, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.