The President, Members of the Council, Secretary-General and the whole staff of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Professor Yoram Dinstein.
Professor Yoram Dinstein was a great friend and supporter of the IIHL in Sanremo for many years, an outstanding presence at the Sanremo Round Table since the very beginning and key contributor to IIHL activities and publications. Member of the Council from 1993 to 2019, Professor Dinstein’s IIHL membership dates back to 1975.
Lt Gen (Retd) Giorgio Battisti, President of the Institute, said: “Professor Dinstein’s incisive intelligence and lucid explanation of the law of armed conflict were a highlight of many events in Sanremo. Professor Dinstein was a towering figure in the field of International Humanitarian Law. He leaves beyond a body of work, most notably his books on the law of armed conflict, which have had, and will continue to have, a great impact on the study of law in war. We have lost a great advocate for International Humanitarian Law”.
The Sanremo Institute wishes to extend its condolences to the Professor’s family and friends.