Workshop on ‘Application of IHL and IHRL in armed conflict’ – Abstracts now available

Workshop on ‘Application of IHL and IHRL in armed conflict’ – Abstracts now available

The Institute is glad to announce that the abstracts of the workshop, held on October 4, 2019 in Sanremo, are now available for download here or visiting the International and Comparative Law Research Center (ICLRC) website.

The workshop on Application of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law in an Armed Conflict, was organised by the ICLRC with the support of the Sanremo Institute.

The main aim of the workshop was to further analyse the complex relationship between the two bodies of rules, with particular attention on the issues arising in this regard in the situation of armed conflict.

The subject was discussed throughout two consecutive panels of experts: the first one focused on the ‘Interplay between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law’, and the second session dedicated to the issues arising from the ‘Application of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law by International Courts and Tribunals.

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