
The training offer of the Institute is developed by 3 Departments. The Military Department, dealing with international humanitarian law/law of armed conflict and all its different aspects, the Department of Refugee Law and Migration Law, focused on the international juridical framework applicable to the movement of people, and the Special Projects Department, devoted to specific subjects and initiatives linked in different ways to the Institute’s area of concern.


Military Department

Visit the Military Department webpage and consult its foundation, advanced and thematic training offer on International Humanitarian Law/Law of Armed Conflict and its several fields of application.

Department of Refugee Law and Migration Law

Visit the webpage of the Department of Refugee Law and Migration Law and consult the training offer on Refugee Law, Migration Law, Statelessness, Internal Displacement and much more.

Special Projects Department

Visit the Special Projects Department webpage and consult the training offer, projects, conferences and other activities related to IHL/LOAC, Disaster Law and many other topics.

Overall training offer

Click on the blue labels on the left side of the screen to filter the courses by type, topic and/or sub-topic.

Rules of Engagement Course
Naval Operations and the Law Course
Targeting Course
Course on Protection of Civilians (POC)
55<sup>th</sup> Advanced Course on IHL (English)
54<sup>th</sup> Advanced Course on IHL (Arabic)
10<sup>th</sup> International Disaster Law Course
25<sup>th</sup> Sanremo Summer School
15<sup>th</sup> Online Course on Statelessness